Monday, June 23, 2014

Sweet Plantains Stuffed w/ Meat, Avocado & Melted 6 Cheese!

        " Sweet Plantains Stuffed w/ Meat, Avocado & Melted 6 Cheese"

Hello! Sweet & Savory! Can we say yum? YUM! It's so simple to make and so versatile. Most importantly you will be out the kitchen fast! That in it self deserves and A+

These Stuffed Plantains are great on their own or you can make them as a side.

These are examples of some I have made:


- Sweet Plantains ( I used about 6 for 3 people) Use as many as you need.


- Ground meat (chicken, turkey, beef or pork) which ever you like.

-Seasoning- I use Adobo you can use Salt & Pepper or the seasoning of your preference.

-A drizzle of Olive Oil

Half a small Onion: (optional)

- 1 Sazon 1 small packet (adds color and flavor)

- 2 cloves of Garlic or 1 tbs of Garlic paste (If you don't have either then you can sprinkle some garlic over your meat)

- Recaito (2 or 3 leaves cut into small pieces)

-Red or Green Bell Peppers ( dice up a little for the meat. For flavoring in the meat)


Garnish: Diced Avocado Chunks, Shredded Cheese of your choice

Another meal I made : This time with White Rice, Black Beans and Some Chips I baked

Meat Preparation: (Cook the meat as you usually would for like a taco or follow this recipe)

Add a drizzle of Olive Oil or cooking oil into a hot pan. Add 1 or 2 diced Garlic cloves or 1 tsp of Garlic paste, 1 or 2 tbs of Sofrito (recipe is on this page), Diced Red Bell Peppers, (you can add diced Onions if you like, Dice 2 or 3 Recaito leaves, STIR, Add Ground meat, add 1 Sazon, Adobo or Salt and Pepper for Seasoning...Any other seasoning you have at home and prefer. Let it cook stir every few minutes until meat is fully cooked.

Sweet Plantains Preparation: Fry or bake the sweet plantain WHOLE until it's done (cooked) and golden.

Secret: If I'm baking my Sweet Plantain I first sir fry them in butter until golden and then I put them in the oven shhh don't tell no one lol

Stuffing your Sweet Plantains! :

Once the sweet plantains are done take them out and cut the sweet plantain in the middle but not all the way to the bottom (just enough to stuff), then stuff it with the meat you chose (ground beef, pork, chicken, turkey) that you already cooked and add some pieces of avocado, cover with shredded cheese and put it in the oven for a minute or in the microwave for a minute until cheese melts and voila! lol Deliciousness!


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